Results 261 to 270 of 348
01.04.2019 News Qualification & Certification standards for the Kenyan RAC sector
On April 4th 2019, Kenya’s National Ozone Unit of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry together with GIZ’s Green Cooling Initiative kicked off a multi-stakeholder workshop to establish a Qualification, Certification & Registration (QCR) scheme for the RAC sector in Kenya.
01.04.2019 News Protecting the environment through end-of-life management of RAC appliances
GIZ Proklima and the Ozone Technical Unit (UTO) of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia, carry out activities aimed at evaluating alternatives for the correct final management of the RAC equipment and the refrigerant substances they contain.
01.04.2019 News Latin America and the Caribbean: stronger, better, towards Green Cooling!
GIZ Proklima organized a "Technology Roadshow on Natural Refrigerants" and the "1st Regional Meeting of the Green Cooling Initiative Network" in San José, Costa Rica, from March 25-28, 2019.
03.12.2018 News Successful trainings carried out and handbook launched in India
More than 60 trainers from various parts and training centers across India, successfully completed a train-the-trainer workshop on “Good service practices and installation of Room Air-conditioners with HCFC – 22 and flammable refrigerants”.
03.12.2018 News Building local capacity for a green cooling transformation in Africa
Almost 20 RAC trainers from nine African countries participated in vocational education workshops at the Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Academy (ACRA) in South Africa in November and December 2018. The trainings were organized by GCI to support local technical expertise on environmentally friendly cooling technology.
03.12.2018 News Strengthening Africa’s Voice in Ozone Negotiations
Prior to the 30th MOP, in Quito, and the 40th Open-Ended Working Group to the Montreal Protocol (OEWG), carried out in Vienna, almost 40 NOUs from 19 African partner countries participated in two multilateral negotiation skills trainings organized by GCI. The hands-on workshops aimed at strengthening the participants’ essential negotiation skills as negotiators under the Montreal Protocol and were carried out in cooperation with Denkmodell & the Centre for Multilateral Negotiations.
03.12.2018 News Germany is supporting Ghana’s green AC transformation
The Government of Germany donated 380 green AC units to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Ghana in August 2018. The handover was followed by a workshop for 15 technicians on the safe handling of the new green technology in October 2018. Both events were facilitated by the Green Cooling Initiative (GCI), implemented by GIZ on behalf of the BMU.
03.12.2018 News German technical school trains with R290 split AC
Since October 2018, the German technical school for refrigeration and air-conditioning, Bundesfachschule Kälte-Klima-Technik (BFS), has extended its training facility equipment by a state-of-the-art R290 split AC unit. BFS received a highly efficient propane split AC inverter unit for training purposes from Midea Europe.
03.12.2018 News Safe operation of hydrocarbon chillers demonstrated in Indonesia
In July 2018, the Institut für Kälte- Klima- und Energietechnik (IKET) GmbH from Germany visited Indonesia to successfully audit the first propane chillers and cold store in the country. The audits were conducted to ensure that the installation of the hydrocarbon systems comply with international safety standards.
03.12.2018 News Proklima - StEP Webinar: E-Waste Challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean
End of October 2018, Proklima and the StEP Initiative jointly hosted a webinar to share experiences and learn from best practices in e-waste management focusing on the Latin American region.